Detpa Grove 23/634 was born the 14th of August 2023 as a twin by Detpa Grove 18/375 "Noble" out of Detpa Grove 170262 (Sired by Detpa Grove 14/101). He is a stunning individual with a top white suffolk head and type, he also shows black feet. A great consistent pedigree which we have had so much success with previously. His sire Noble has had sons make up to $22,000 and the dam of this ram has also had sons sell to $9,000. He has a balanced set of data with good muscle ad positive fat.
3005 was born on the 22nd May 2023 was born a twin and raised as a single with a birthweight of 5.2kg. He is sired by Felix 21/1239 a top sire used in multiple studs with low birth, high growth and eating qualities. His dam, Detpa Grove 20/91 is a ewe we purchased from DG in their bi-annual mated ewe sale for $3,000 in 2023, she has produced another son who sold for $20,000. 3005 weaned at 55.5kg gaining an average of 0.440g per day from birth to weaning. He weighed 77.5kg at scanning and scanned 46EMD & 4.5FAT. 3005 has been genomics tested and hypotrichosis tested negative. His data is exceptional being in the top 5% for TCP, PEMD and DRESS as well as the top 10% for IMF and SHEARF5 as well as having a low birthweight and positive fat
Mertex 22/780 was born on the 7th of August 2022 as a single by Detpa Grove 20/477 ($14,000) out of a top Mertex ewe 18/450 (Sired by Sunnybanks 16/60 who was the junior champion ram at the 2017 Adelaide show). He was purchased at the Bendigo Elite Show and Sale for $7,000. 780 has excelled in the show ring first winning Junior Champion ram at Bendigo Elite in July, he then went on to win Champion ram at Hamilton and eventually Supreme white suffolk exhibit, he came 2nd in the interbreed ram and was the lead ram in the winning interbreed group at Hamilton. Physically 780 is a fantastic upstanding animal, with style and presence. He has a fantastic topline, beautiful white suffolk type and dark feet. An outstanding individual who should breed some excellent animals.
Fairburn 21/1123 was born on the 11th of July as a single by Fairburn 19/261 out of Fairburn 19/1092. He was purchased at the Bendigo Elite Show and Sale for $3,000. He is a good upstanding ram with fantastic carcase depth and power culminating in great breed type and dark feet.
Detpa Grove 21/91 was born the 24th of May 2021 as a Twin by Detpa Grove 20/477 "Regal" out of Detpa Grove 19/133 (Sired by Somerset 16/67). Purchased at the DG annual sale in 2022 for $5500. He was selected for his moderate frame size, type, hindquarter muscle as well as exceptional figures. He is in the top 5% for TCP, Low birthweight, Top 5% for PEMD at 3.57, positive fat at 0.05 and top 10% for eating quality. He is balanced with a great disposition and is a great ram to breed on.
Hopea 1118 was born on the 25th of June 2021 as a single by Wingamin 18/1943 "Chrome" out of Hopea 19/9054 (Sired by Detpa Grove 17/66). He is the keeper of the 2021 drop. He was shown at Bendigo and Hamilton coming 6th in the June class at both shows which had the biggest numbers of rams. He is great on his feet, has a solid, sirey head with muscle in all the right places. He scanned super at Hamilton scanning 54 EMD 9.5FAT at 116kg out scanning many rams. He has black feet as well as good pigment around his eye.
Smithston 168 was born on the 15th of June 2021 as a twin by Smithston 19/616 out of Smithston 16/1049 (By Smithston 15/862). He was purchased from the Smithston ram lamb sale in 2022 for $3000. A true white suffolk type ram with great eye pigment, black feet and growth.
Gemini 210073 was born on the 4th of June 2021 as a single out of Gemini 17/470 out of Gemini 18/83 (By Leith 15/3). He was purchased from Gemini's ram lamb sale in summer 2022 for $4,600. A stunning individual with great looks and a fabulous temperament. He has a great length of loin, black feet, fantastic muscling and will mature into a great ram. He also has some industry leading figures being in the top 5% for WWT & PWWT as well as being in the top 20% for TCP, combined with a top PEMD as well as positive fat he is the all-round package.
Detpa Grove 616 was purchased from the Detpa Grove annual sale in 2021. He was born on the 22nd of July 2020 as a single by Detpa Grove "Noble" 180374 out of Detpa Grove 180195 (By Baringa "Magnum"). This ram has great shape and is a very stylish fella. He has a smooth set shoulder with a lovely wedge shape as well as having good type. He is a very similiar ram to "Diamond" on pedigree having both Baringa "Magnum" and Warburn 16/48 in their pedigrees
Hopea 20W150 was born on the 3rd of July 2020 as a single by Hopea 18/8020 out of Hopea 18/8085 (By Hopea 17/7026). He has been a standout of the 2020 drop since lambing and continues to be one of the top of the drops. He has tremendous bone and muscle paired with great white suffolk type, he is one of the best rams I have bred to date and as such was used as a ram lamb. He has been retained in stud.
He scanned 44.5emd and 5 fat at 82kgs
Detpa Grove 509 was born on the 23rd July 2019 as a twin by Baringa "Magnum" out of the Detpa Grove Ewe 18/247 (Warburn 16/48). "Diamond" was purchased at the DG Annual sale 2020 for $10,000. He shows magnificent balance and type, as well as a perfectly neat shoulder and wedge shape, culminating with a great carcase which makes for a head turning ram! Still only young Born as a July born twin he shows industry leading growth rates being in the top 5% for Weaning weight and top 10% for Post Weaning Weight as well as a low birthweight, which when paired with his phenotype makes him perfect for the prime lamb industry!
His sire Baringa “Magnum” (1/2 share sold for $20,000) and his dam being sired by Warburn 16/48 ($21,000).
Induro 19/79 was born on the 17th May 2019 as a single out of Induro 18/101 out of Induro 14/135 (By Lauridale 11/756). He was used at Induro as a back up ram lamb to their AI program. Induro 79 was purchased from the Bendigo Elite Online sale for $3000. He shows great muscling and white suffolk type as well as a great quiet temperament, he is an Ashmore 516 grandson which will give the stud some proven genetics. He also has some handy figures with large growth rates being in the top 20% of both WWT and PWWT.
Hopea 19/9009 was born on the 13th June 2019 as a single by the ever consistent Anden 14/290 "Paramount" out of the ewe Hopea 15/5078 (By DG 13/544 "Iceberg"). 9009 is a great young ram who I couldn't overlook to use as a ram lamb, he has a great head on him and a nice smooth and even shoulder set, he stands well on all fours with some great topline muscling and fill in the hindquarter. This is the 5th son of Paramount to be used in stud. 9009 scanned 41.5EMD and 9FAT at 77.5kgs as a lamb.
Hopea 19/9001 was born on the 26th of May 2019 as a twin by Somerset 16/67 out of the top priced ewe from the 2019 Detpa Grove mated ewe sale ($2,600) Detpa Grove 15/331 (By DG 13/130). 9001 has been a top performer from the 2019 drop since day one, he has a great neck extension, hindquarter shape and white suffolk type and he also has the meat to match his physique, scanning extremely well at 7 1/2 months weighing 85.5 and scanning 48 EMD and 6 FAT. 9001 was used as a ram lamb for the 2020 drop.
Wingamin 18/1943 was born on the 24th of June 2018 as a single by Bundara Downs 12/2261 out of the Wingamin ewe 15/480 (Sired by Detpa Grove 11/452). Chrome was purchased at the Adelaide Elite Sale in 2019 for $5,500. He is a nicely proportioned, moderate sized ram that stands on great pasterns with black feet. A great temperament, carcase and pedigree were driving forces in his purchase for the stud. He is a complete outcross to all genetics in the stud allowing him to be used heavily. He has strong black points with black feet. He also has a nice low birthweight with rapid growth weighing 95.5kg at 8 months of age. Chrome has a fantastic blueblood pedigree sired by the iconic 12/2261 sire who was used widely in Australia with huge success, her dam is also a full sister to the Bendigo Champion Ewe in 2014, his grand-dam is also a proven producer. Chrome did well in the show ring coming third in the lambplan trade class at Hamilton Sheepvention and came fourth in the June class at Adelaide Royal. He is tested free from HRF: 25402
Hopea 8027 was born on the 2nd of July 2018 as a twin by Anden 140290 "Paramount" out of the ewe Hopea 15/5047 (By Detpa Grove 13/544 "Iceberg"). 8027 was a standout of the 2018 drop and used as a backup sire to the main joining. He has great type, balance and structure. 8027 scanned 45mm of muscle and 5.0mm of fat at 80.5kgs as a 7 month old lamb.
Hopea 18/8020 was born on the 1st of July 2018 as a twin by Hopea 16/6013 out of Millswyn 14/142 (By Farrer 10/135). He was a top performer of the 2018 drop and was used as a lamb. He was shown at Bendigo in July and placed 2nd in the novice ram class, he was then shown at Hamilton and won the novice class. 8020 was a huge muscle scanner, at Bendigo he scanned 48EMD 8.5Fat at 97.5, he then went to Hamilton and scanned 53EMD 8 FAT at 105kg.
Hopea 18/8134 was born on the 29th July 2018 as a twin. He is sired by Hopea 16/6013 "Glacier" out of a Wheetelande ewe 15/8631 (By Anden 13/288). Used as a ram lamb, Hopea 8134 had a great carcase with shape and fill especially in the hindquarter. He scanned well as a lamb with 40.5 muscle and 5.5 fat at 70kg.
Detpa Grove 17/66 was born on the 20th May 2017 as a twin sired by Detpa Grove 16/247 "Code" out of the ewe Detpa Grove 12/483. He was purchased at the 2018 Detpa Grove annual sale for $8,000. Pharaoh is a big upstanding ram with some outstanding white suffolk type. He has a great carcase on him with a massive hindquarter which extends through his twist.
Hopea 7026 was born on the 1st of June 2017 as a single by Hopea 15/5058 "Comet" out of the Hopea ewe 14/4075 (By Burwood 12/2338 "Empire"). This makes him a full brother to Hopea 16/6076 "Starboy". Hopea 7026 was the standout of the 2017 drop, he has great presence and great type. He scanned very well as a lamb weighing 86kg having a 41.5EMD and 6 FAT.
Hopea 7033 was born on the 5th of June 2017 as a Twin from Anden 14/290 "Paramount" out of the Detpa Grove ewe 13/529 (By DG 12/214). 7033 has great conformation and structure, as well as having a big presence in the mob. He scanned very well as a lamb with a weight of 69.5kg an EMD of 41 and 7 FAT. 7033 is yet another great son of Anden Paramount who continues to produce great sheep.
Omad 160412 was born on the 4th August 2016 as a twin from the Anden ram 13/293 out of the Hayelle ewe 14/491. He was purchased from the Omad Annual sale in 2017 for the top price of $2,000.
Hopea 6019 was born on the 27th May 2016 as a single by Anden 140290 "Paramount" out of the Hopea ewe 11/208 (By a Laurel view ram). Hopea 6019 has been the first ram lamb from the ewe in 6 years after only producing ewe lambs which were all above average, and the same can be said for this bloke! He has been a very quick grower scanning at 80kgs with 37.5mm of muscle. He was taken to Balmoral show and was chosen as Champion White Suffolk as well as also taking home the Interbreed title.
Hopea 6013 was born on the 26th of May 2016 as a twin by Detpa Grove "Iceberg" 13/544 out of the Tapton ewe 12/288. 6013 is a great typical white Suffolk ram, with great muscling especially in his hindquarters and nice pigment around his eyes. Both 6013 and his twin brother are very stylish sheep who were both in the show team for 2017. 6013 scanned 39mm of muscle and 5.5mm of fat at 70kgs as a lamb.
Hopea 6076 was born on the 24th of August 2016, sired by Hopea 5058 "Comet" out of a Hopea ewe 14/4075. This ram has a look at me presence even though he is the youngest ram in the flock! Born as a twin 6076 has good white suffolk points with a beautiful head on him, he also has serious conformation. HRF Tested Free
Hopea 6010 was born on the 24th of May 2016, he is sired by Anden 14/290 and is out of an Anna Villa Dam 13/181 making him an outcross to most of my ewe base. He had strong scans as a lamb with 39mm of Eye Muscle and 6mm of fat. He is a nice strong bodied ram with great white suffolk points and a tremendous width of loin and hindquarter. He also has a nice even set of ASBV's to go with his visual appeal. HRF Tested Free
Hopea 15/5122 was born on the 24th of October 2015. He is sired by Detpa Grove 13/544 "Iceberg" and is out of the Adalinda ewe 13/224. Top Gun was the youngest ram on my 2016 show team and in the entire drop. He was successful in the show ring coming 6th in the born after August open class in Bendigo at only 8 months old weighing 89kgs and scanning 42mm of muscle, where he competed against rams 2 months older than him.
HRF Tested free
Born on the 25th of June 2015, 5058 is sired by Detpa Grove 130130 out of a Detpa Grove ewe. This ram has a clean face with typical strong white suffolk points. As a ram lamb he scanned 38 Eye muscle depth and 4 mm of fat. 5058 has been shown with success winning Champion White Suffolk Ram and also reserve Champion Interbreed ram lamb at Balmoral in 2016 beating over 70 rams including 7 other pairs of rams in his winning class which was Pair of Rams. HRF Tested Free
Born on the 2nd of August 2014 Paramount is sired by the successful Anden 13/41 which also sired the $36,000 2nd Australian top priced ram. This rams pedigree is filled with proven rams such as Burwood 110959, Pollambi 451 and Anden 080276, which hold prolific titles in the industry. Paramount also has the figures to match his pedigree with a carcase plus of 222 and a PEMD of 2.8. As of 2016 this ram is a half brother to the Australian Record priced $68,000, Champion White suffolk and Champion Interbreed Shortwool ram at Hamilton Sheepvention and Adelaide through being born from the same dam 13/21. Paramount has produced some quality progeny with 5 sons used in stud.
HRF tested free
Born on the 5th of June 2014, Eureka was sired by Coronga 546 and born from a top Bundara Downs ewe in 134614. He has great figures which have improved with the input of progeny and as well he was one of the fastest growing lambs on the property in 2014, he was used as a ram lamb and produced some top class progeny.
HRF Tested free
Detpa Grove 130544 was born on the 17th of August 2013 out of the 110140 Detpa Grove ewe. He is sired by the top producing ram DG 110059, this ram like his father has a good set of figures. Iceberg has produced many great sheep creating a great impact on my stud with two sons being retained over two seperate seasons (See Hopea 15/122 and 16/6013 above).
HRF Tested free
Glengarry 122834 was born on the 2nd Of July 2012 to the Glengarry ewe 8797. he was shown and sold at the Bendigo elite sale. Coincidence produced some great commercial sheep but wasnt producing the desired stud progeny and so was later sold on to a comercial breeder. But some of his best daughters were kept for stud use. HRF tested free
Burwood 122338 was born on the 15th of July 2012 as an ET lamb (Embryo Transfer) from the ewe 100003. He was bought at the second stage ewe and ram dispersal of Burwood Stud for $2500. His full brothers also made $6000 and $4000 at the sale. Empire produced huge meaty sheep that proved a great asset to the stud with multiple sons being used and daughters kept. He also threw great amounts of suffolk type sheep with great muscling and smooth shoulders.
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