1st Breeders Pair with Hopea 22/231 & Hopea 22/221
2nd Ram born in June with Hopea 22/231
2nd Pair of rams with Hopea 22/292 & Hopea 22/304
2nd August Ewe with Hopea 22/373
3rd Ewe born in June with Hopea 22/206
3rd One ram two Ewes Group with Hopea 22/231, Hopea 22/221 and Hopea 22/206
3rd Pen of three rams with Hopea 22/231, Hopea 22/292 and Hopea 22/304
Hopea 22/255 coming 6th in July class
1st August Ewe with Hopea 22/373
2nd July ewe with Hopea 22/282
3rd June ram with Hopea 22/231
3rd Breeders pair with Hopea 22/231 & Hopea 22/373
4th July ewe class with Hopea 22/291
White Suffolks:
2nd Junior pair of rams with Hopea 22/2197 & Hopea 22/2216
4th Pair of ewes with Hopea 22/2190 & Hopea 22/2228
3rd July ram with Hopea 22/231
- 2nd August Ewe (Hopea 21/233 sold for $2,500)
- 4th August Ram (Hopea 21/249)
- 1st August Ram (Hopea 21/252) pictured
- 2nd Objective Measurement Class (Hopea 21/249)
- 2nd August drop ewe (Hopea 21/255)
- 2nd Group of three (Hopea 21/252,Hopea 21/255 (Hopea 21/182)
- 3rd August drop ewe (Hopea 21/233)
- 3rd Ram born July (Hopea 21/193)
- 3rd Pen of two ewes (Hopea 21/223, Hopea 21/182)
- 3rd Pen of two rams (Hopea 21/181, Hopea 21/199)
- 3rd Breeders Pair (Hopea 21/252, Hopea 21/255)
-1st August Drop Ewe (Hopea 21/255) Pictured above
-1st Pen of Two Ewes (Hopea 21/182, Hopea 21/223)
-2nd August Drop Ram (Hopea 21/252)
-3rd August Drop Ram (Hopea 21/249)
-3rd Pen of Two Rams (Hopea 21/181, Hopea 21/199)
-3rd Group of Two Ewes, One Ram (Hopea 21/165, Hopea 21/255, Hopea 21/182)
-3rd Breeders Pair (Hopea 21/165, Hopea 21/255)
-4th August Drop Ram (Hopea 21/242)
-4th August Drop Ewe (Hopea 21/250)
-5th July Drop Ram (Hopea 21/165)
Supreme Group of three- Hopea 803, Hopea 892 and Hopea 866
Champion Suffolk ram- Hopea 803
Champion Suffolk Ewe- Hopea 892
Res. Champ Suffolk Ram: Hopea 885
Res. Champ Suffolk Ewe: Hopea 866
Champion White Suffolk Ram: Hopea 8020
Champion White Suffolk Ewe: Hopea 8042
Res. Champ White Suffolk ewe: Hopea 9002
-1st Group of one ram, two ewes (Hopea 18/816, Hopea 18/866, Hopea 18/892)
-1st July ewe (Hopea 18/866)
-1st August ewe (Hopea 18/892)
-3rd July ram (Hopea 18/816)
-1st Novice ram (Hopea 18/8020)
-1st Novice ewe (Hopea 18/8042)
- 1st August drop ram (Hopea 885)
- 2nd July drop ram (Hopea 816)
- 3rd August drop ewe (Hopea 892)
- 6th Breeders Group (885/892)
- 1st Novice White Suffolk ewe (Hopea 8042)
- 2nd Novice White Suffolk ram (Hopea 8020)
-4th June/July ewe class (Hopea 8042)
- Supreme ram of show (Sayla Park 17/18)
-Supreme group of three (Sayla Park 17/18, Hopea 17/738, Hopea 17/712)
-Champion Suffolk ram (Sayla Park 17/18)
-Champion Suffolk ewe (Hopea 17/738)
-Res Champ Suffolk ram (Hopea 18/816)
-Res champ Suffolk Ewe (Hopea 17/755)
-Res Champ White Suffolk Ewe (Hopea 17/7067)
- 1st July ewe (Hopea 738)
- 5th June ewe (Hopea 701)
- 6th June ewe (Hopea 712)
- 5th August ewe (Hopea 755)
- 6th July ram (Hopea 726)
Reserve Champion White Suffolk Ram (Hopea 7047)
Supreme Exhibit of The Show (Hopea 6013)
Champion Ram (Hopea 6013)
Supreme White suffolk (Hopea 6013)
Champion White Suffolk Ram (Hopea 6013)
Champion White suffolk lamb (Hopea 7026)
Supreme ewe of show, Hopea 665
Supreme group of three, Hopea 633,665,650
Champion White suffolk ewe, Hopea 6027
Res. Champion White Suffolk ram Hopea 7026
Champion suffolk ram, Hopea 633
Res. Champ suffolk ram, Hopea 663
Champion suffolk ewe, Hopea 665
Res.Champ suffolk ewe, Hopea 612
2nd Novice ram class (Hopea 6044)
3rd August Suffolk ram class (Hopea 677)
Sold 6044 for $2,000
Sold 673 for $800
1st in Pair of rams, Hopea 669 (Left) and Hopea 663 (Right)
3rd in Woolly ewe, Hopea 612
6th in July class, Hopea 633
7th in August class, Hopea 677
1st Novice white suffolk ram, Hopea 6013
2nd Novice white suffolk ram, Hopea 6044
4th Novice white suffolk ram, Hopea 6019
2nd Novice White suffolk ewe, Hopea 6051
2nd July suffolk ram, Hopea 633
2nd August suffolk ram, Hopea 677
Interbreed Champion: Hopea 6019 (Pictured above)
Champion White suffolk ram lamb: Hopea 6019
Champion Suffolk ram lamb: Hopea 633
Supreme sheep of the show (Hopea 15/502)
Champion Ewe of show (Hopea 15/502)
Champion Ram of Show (Hopea 15/5122 "Top Gun")
Champion Suffolk Ram (Hopea 15/521"Balmoral)
Champion Suffolk Ewe (Hopea 15/502)
Champion White Suffolk Ram (Hopea 15/5122 "Top Gun")
Judge: Hayden Whittlesea
Champion Suffolk Ram (Hopea 15/521)
Res. Champ Suffolk ram (Hopea 16/608)
Champion Suffolk ewe (Hopea 15/502)
Res Champion suffolk ewe (Hopea 16/601)
Res.Champion White Suffolk ewe (Hopea 16/6027
2nd wooly ewe class (Hopea 15/520)
2nd Objective measurement class (Hopea 15/521)
Judge: Anthony Hurst
White Suffolks
2nd novice ewe (Hopea 15/5061)
4th novice ewe (Hopea 15/5100)
4th novice ram (Hopea 15/5058)
6th August ram (Hopea 15/5122)
Judge: Paul Day
Champion Interbreed ram- Hopea 521
Res. Champ Interbreed ram- Hopea 5058
Champion All Other Breeds Ram: Hopea 521
Champion White Suffolk Ram: Hopea 5058
Judge: Tim Jorgensen
Champion Suffolk Ram (403 Grizzly Bear")
Champion Suffolk Ewe (424)
Champion White Suffolk Ewe (5100)
Champion White Suffolk Ram Lamb (5014)
Most successful exhibitor
8 firsts
6 seconds
3 thirds
Judge: Ian Carr
- Reserve Champion All Breeds Ram with Hopea "Grizzly Bear" 14/403
- Champion Suffolk Ram (403)
- Champion White Suffolk Ewe (4005)
Judge: Ian Kyle
Champion Interbreed ram- Hopea 521
Res. Champ Interbreed ram- Hopea 5058
Champion All Other Breeds Ram: Hopea 521
Champion White Suffolk Ram: Hopea 5058
Judge: Tim Jorgensen
- Champion Ram (419)
- Champion ewe (424)
- 6 firsts
-2 seconds
Judge: David Pipkorn
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